研究方向:2型糖尿病早期强化治疗,肥胖症治疗等主要教育和工作经历:教育经历2002.09~2005.06年 中山大学,医学硕士2013.09~2017.12年 中山大学,医学博士2020.9至今 FAIMER-CenMEDIC-GMU 医学教育硕士研究生工作经历2021.01~至今 中山一院内分泌科/诊断学教研室 副主任医师2009.01~2020.12 中山一院内分泌科/诊断学教研室 主治医生2018.08~2018.11 斐济殖民地战争纪念医院 内分泌专家 社会兼职:中国研究型医院学会甲状旁腺及骨代谢疾病专业委员会委员广东省健康管理学会代谢与内分泌专业委员会委员兼秘书长欧洲医学教育联盟委员 论著:1. Juan Liu#, Jianbin Liu#, Hai Li, Liehua, Liu, Jing Zheng, Zhimin Huang, Xiaopei Cao, Haipeng Xiao, Yanbing Li*, Higher Ratio of Abdominal Subcutaneous to Visceral Adipose Tissue Related with Preservation of Islet β cell function in Healthy Individuals, International Journal of Endocrinology, 2017, (2017): 1-10.2. Juan Liu#, Da-jun Hu#, Huiyang Yan, Jianbin Liu, Xixong Ai, Zi Ren, Haitao Zeng, Hao He* and Zhen Yang*. Attenuated endothelial function is associated with decreased endothelial progenitor cells and nitric oxide in premenopausal diabetic women. Molecular Medicine Reports. 2018, 18: 4666-4674.3. Liu Juan#, Xing Xiangbin#, Wu Xinlin, Li Xiang, Yao Shun, Ren Zi, Zeng Haitao* and Wu Shaohong*. Reduced Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells and Downregulated GTCPH Ⅰ Pathway Related to Endothelial Dysfunction in Premenopausal Women with Isolated Impaired Glucose Tolerance. Cardiology Research and Practice 2020: ID 1278465.4. Zheng Jing#, Liu Juan#, Hong BS#, Ke Weijian, Huang Zhiming, Li Yanbing. Circulating betatrophin/ANGPTL8 levels correlate with body fat distribution in individuals with normal glucose tolerance but not those with glucose disorders. BMC Endocrine Disorders. 2020;20(1):1-9.5. Liu jian bin#, Liu Juan#, Fang Donghong, Liu Liehua, Huang Zhimin, Wan Xuesi, Cao Xiaopei and Li yanbing*. Fasting plasma glucose after intensive insulin therapy predicted long-term glycemic control in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients. Endocrine Journal, 2013, 60(6): 725-732.6. 刘娟,JASMEEN TULADHAR, 柯伟健, 邓婉萍, 刘建彬, 曹筱佩, 李延兵,短期胰岛素泵强化治疗期间2型糖尿病受试者胰岛功能变化对预后的影响,中华糖尿病杂志,2014, 6(5): 293~2987. 刘娟,李月霞,许雯,邓婉萍,李延兵.非诺贝特改善伴高甘油三酯糖代谢异常患者急性胰岛素分泌反应.中山大学学报(医学科学版)(论著),2010年,1:101-105. 专著: 其他主要工作成绩(比如获奖情况):2019年被授予AMEE Specialist Certificate,并荣获AMEE Associate Fellow资质。在2012、2018学年被评为“优秀带教老师”
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